Dirkje Hoebe , 1752

Dirkje /Hoebe/
Given names
Also known as
Dirkje /Spies/
Dirkje /Hobe/
Given names
Dirkje /Hoebé/
Given names
Derkje /Hoebe/
Given names

Rol niet gespecificeerd: Gerrit Hoebe
Rol niet gespecificeerd: Derkje Hartman
Rol niet gespecificeerd: Garritjen Hartman
Rol niet gespecificeerd: Derkje Hoebe
Gebeurtenis: Doop
Datum: 05-11-1752
Gebeurtenisplaats: Lienden
Documenttype: DTB Dopen
Erfgoedinstelling: Gelders Archief
Plaats instelling: Arnhem
Collectiegebied: Gelderland
Archief: 0176
Registratienummer: 1060
Registratiedatum: 05-11-1752
Akteplaats: Lienden
Collectie: Lienden


Rol niet gespecificeerd: Gerrit Spies
Rol niet gespecificeerd: Dirkje Hobe
Gebeurtenis: Trouwen
Datum: 21-04-1776
Gebeurtenisplaats: Lienden
Documenttype: DTB Trouwen
Erfgoedinstelling: Gelders Archief
Plaats instelling: Arnhem
Collectiegebied: Gelderland
Archief: 0176
Registratienummer: 1063
Registratiedatum: 21-04-1776
Akteplaats: Lienden
Collectie: Lienden



generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 2 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (5 in total).

Biological grandparents of mother (4)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
1 Gerrit Sanders 1663
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus de Lanoy 16501741
2 Maria van Brenck 1668

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Martinus de Lanoy + Gerarda Vonck van Lienden (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has 1 grandfather and 1 grandmother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents of mother (2)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Dirk Hartman 16831734

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 6 uncles, 4 aunts, and 1 uncle or aunt of unknown sex recorded (11 in total).

Siblings of mother (11)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus Hartman 1716
2 Petrus Hartman 1718
3 Bernardus Hartman 1720
4 Marijk Hartman 1722
5 Jakobus Hartman 1724
6 Gerrardie Hartman 1725
7 Hartman 1726
8 Jan Hartman 1728
9 Aleida Hartman 1731
10 Maria Hartman 1733
11 Dirk Hartman 1734

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one aunt by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Brother Dirk Hartman


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman
1 Gerrit Hoebe


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 co-father-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).

Parents-in-law of biological children (2)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830
2 Dirkje van Lienden 1765


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Dirkje  (1)

1 Gerrit Spies 1753

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 brothers-in-law and 3 sisters-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Siblings of partners (5)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Johanna Spies 17551835
2 Jan Spies 17611830
3 Hendrik Spies 17651853
4 Trijntje Spies 1767
5 Anna Maria Spies 1772


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 co-brother-in-law and 2 co-sisters-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings-in-law (3)

Partners of Johanna Spies
Partners of Jan Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765
Partners of Hendrik Spies
1 Johanna van Zetten 17761840


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 9 male first cousins and 4 female first cousins recorded (13 in total).

Children of full siblings of mother (13)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Dirk Hartman 1754
2 Gerrit Hartman 17561757
3 Gerrit Hartman 17581758
4 Gerarda Hartman 17591759
5 Gerrit Hartman 17591759
6 Gerada Hartman 17601834
7 Hendrik Hartman 1762
8 Derk Hartman 17641767
9 Gerritje Hartman 1766
10 Dirk Hartman 17681771
11 Gerrit Hartman 17701830
12 Dirk Hartman 17731839
13 Jennemie Hartman 1777

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nephews and 8 nieces recorded (16 in total).

Children of siblings of partners (16)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrika van Klinkenberg 17921864
5 Daniel van Klinkenberg 17951830
6 Metje van Klinkenberg 17981871
7 Johanna van Klinkenberg 18021855
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrik Spies 1791
2 Catharina Spies 17931836
3 Dirkje Spies 1799
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Frans Spies 17991849
2 Evert Spies 18021884
3 Gerrit Spies 18061881
4 Jan Jermie Spies 18091848
5 Johannes Spies 18131872
6 Anna Maria Spies 18201900


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 sons and 3 daughters recorded (6 in total).

Biological children (6)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Gerrit Spies 17771826
2 Anna Maria Spies 1780
4 Hendrina Spies 1786
5 Hendrik Spies 1789
6 Willem Spies 17951881


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 daughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Son Gerrit Spies
Son Willem Spies
1 Dirkje Spies 1799


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has one grandson recorded.

Biological grandchildren (1)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Geertje Clement
1 Hendrik Spies 18221875


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one granddaughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 71 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 2 great-grandfathers recorded.

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
1 Gerrit Sanders 1663
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus de Lanoy 16501741


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has one grandfather recorded.

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Dirk Hartman 16831734

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 6 uncles recorded.

Siblings of mother (6)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus Hartman 1716
2 Petrus Hartman 1718
3 Bernardus Hartman 1720
4 Jakobus Hartman 1724
5 Jan Hartman 1728
6 Dirk Hartman 1734

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman
1 Gerrit Hoebe


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one father-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Gerrit Spies  (1)

Marriage Hendrik Spies + Anna Maria van Venendaal
1 Hendrik Spies 1726


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-father-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Dirkje  (1)

1 Gerrit Spies 1753

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 brothers-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (2)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830
2 Hendrik Spies 17651853


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-brother-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Johanna Spies


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 9 male first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of mother (9)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Dirk Hartman 1754
2 Gerrit Hartman 17561757
3 Gerrit Hartman 17581758
4 Gerrit Hartman 17591759
5 Hendrik Hartman 1762
6 Derk Hartman 17641767
7 Dirk Hartman 17681771
8 Gerrit Hartman 17701830
9 Dirk Hartman 17731839

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
2 Daniel van Klinkenberg 17951830
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrik Spies 1791
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Frans Spies 17991849
2 Evert Spies 18021884
3 Gerrit Spies 18061881
4 Jan Jermie Spies 18091848
5 Johannes Spies 18131872


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 sons recorded.

Biological children (3)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Gerrit Spies 17771826
2 Hendrik Spies 1789
3 Willem Spies 17951881


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has one grandson recorded.

Biological grandchildren (1)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Geertje Clement
1 Hendrik Spies 18221875


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 37 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Maria van Brenck 1668

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Martinus de Lanoy + Gerarda Vonck van Lienden (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has one grandmother recorded.

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 4 aunts recorded.

Siblings of mother (4)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Marijk Hartman 1722
2 Gerrardie Hartman 1725
3 Aleida Hartman 1731
4 Maria Hartman 1733

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one aunt by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Brother Dirk Hartman


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 3 sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (3)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Johanna Spies 17551835
2 Trijntje Spies 1767
3 Anna Maria Spies 1772


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 co-sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (2)

Partners of Jan Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765
Partners of Hendrik Spies
1 Johanna van Zetten 17761840


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 4 female first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of mother (4)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Gerarda Hartman 17591759
2 Gerada Hartman 17601834
3 Gerritje Hartman 1766
4 Jennemie Hartman 1777

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrika van Klinkenberg 17921864
4 Metje van Klinkenberg 17981871
5 Johanna van Klinkenberg 18021855
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Catharina Spies 17931836
2 Dirkje Spies 1799
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Anna Maria Spies 18201900


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 daughters recorded.

Biological children (3)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Anna Maria Spies 1780
3 Hendrina Spies 1786


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 daughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Son Gerrit Spies
Son Willem Spies
1 Dirkje Spies 1799


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one granddaughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 34 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has one uncle or aunt of unknown sex recorded.

Siblings of mother (1)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Hartman 1726

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has no parents recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has no children recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 2 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 2 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (5 in total).

Biological grandparents of mother (4)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
1 Gerrit Sanders 1663
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus de Lanoy 16501741
2 Maria van Brenck 1668

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Martinus de Lanoy + Gerarda Vonck van Lienden (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has 1 grandfather and 1 grandmother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents of mother (2)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Dirk Hartman 16831734

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 6 uncles, 4 aunts, and 1 uncle or aunt of unknown sex recorded (11 in total).

Siblings of mother (11)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus Hartman 1716
2 Petrus Hartman 1718
3 Bernardus Hartman 1720
4 Marijk Hartman 1722
5 Jakobus Hartman 1724
6 Gerrardie Hartman 1725
7 Hartman 1726
8 Jan Hartman 1728
9 Aleida Hartman 1731
10 Maria Hartman 1733
11 Dirk Hartman 1734

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one aunt by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Brother Dirk Hartman


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman
1 Gerrit Hoebe


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 co-father-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).

Parents-in-law of biological children (2)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830
2 Dirkje van Lienden 1765


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Dirkje  (1)

1 Gerrit Spies 1753

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 brothers-in-law and 3 sisters-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Siblings of partners (5)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Johanna Spies 17551835
2 Jan Spies 17611830
3 Hendrik Spies 17651853
4 Trijntje Spies 1767
5 Anna Maria Spies 1772


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 1 co-brother-in-law and 2 co-sisters-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings-in-law (3)

Partners of Johanna Spies
Partners of Jan Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765
Partners of Hendrik Spies
1 Johanna van Zetten 17761840


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 9 male first cousins and 4 female first cousins recorded (13 in total).

Children of full siblings of mother (13)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Dirk Hartman 1754
2 Gerrit Hartman 17561757
3 Gerrit Hartman 17581758
4 Gerarda Hartman 17591759
5 Gerrit Hartman 17591759
6 Gerada Hartman 17601834
7 Hendrik Hartman 1762
8 Derk Hartman 17641767
9 Gerritje Hartman 1766
10 Dirk Hartman 17681771
11 Gerrit Hartman 17701830
12 Dirk Hartman 17731839
13 Jennemie Hartman 1777

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nephews and 8 nieces recorded (16 in total).

Children of siblings of partners (16)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrika van Klinkenberg 17921864
5 Daniel van Klinkenberg 17951830
6 Metje van Klinkenberg 17981871
7 Johanna van Klinkenberg 18021855
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrik Spies 1791
2 Catharina Spies 17931836
3 Dirkje Spies 1799
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Frans Spies 17991849
2 Evert Spies 18021884
3 Gerrit Spies 18061881
4 Jan Jermie Spies 18091848
5 Johannes Spies 18131872
6 Anna Maria Spies 18201900


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 sons and 3 daughters recorded (6 in total).

Biological children (6)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Gerrit Spies 17771826
2 Anna Maria Spies 1780
4 Hendrina Spies 1786
5 Hendrik Spies 1789
6 Willem Spies 17951881


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 daughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Son Gerrit Spies
Son Willem Spies
1 Dirkje Spies 1799


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has one grandson recorded.

Biological grandchildren (1)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Geertje Clement
1 Hendrik Spies 18221875


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one granddaughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 71 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 2 great-grandfathers recorded.

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
1 Gerrit Sanders 1663
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus de Lanoy 16501741


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has one grandfather recorded.

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Dirk Hartman 16831734

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 6 uncles recorded.

Siblings of mother (6)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Martinus Hartman 1716
2 Petrus Hartman 1718
3 Bernardus Hartman 1720
4 Jakobus Hartman 1724
5 Jan Hartman 1728
6 Dirk Hartman 1734

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman
1 Gerrit Hoebe


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one father-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Gerrit Spies  (1)

Marriage Hendrik Spies + Anna Maria van Venendaal
1 Hendrik Spies 1726


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-father-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Dirkje  (1)

1 Gerrit Spies 1753

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 brothers-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (2)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Jan Spies 17611830
2 Hendrik Spies 17651853


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-brother-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Johanna Spies


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 9 male first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of mother (9)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Dirk Hartman 1754
2 Gerrit Hartman 17561757
3 Gerrit Hartman 17581758
4 Gerrit Hartman 17591759
5 Hendrik Hartman 1762
6 Derk Hartman 17641767
7 Dirk Hartman 17681771
8 Gerrit Hartman 17701830
9 Dirk Hartman 17731839

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
2 Daniel van Klinkenberg 17951830
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrik Spies 1791
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Frans Spies 17991849
2 Evert Spies 18021884
3 Gerrit Spies 18061881
4 Jan Jermie Spies 18091848
5 Johannes Spies 18131872


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 sons recorded.

Biological children (3)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Gerrit Spies 17771826
2 Hendrik Spies 1789
3 Willem Spies 17951881


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has one grandson recorded.

Biological grandchildren (1)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Geertje Clement
1 Hendrik Spies 18221875


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 37 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Gerrit Sanders + Derrisken Bodden (Marriage) of Dirk Hartman
Parents Martinus de Lanoy + Maria van Brenck (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Maria van Brenck 1668

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Martinus de Lanoy + Gerarda Vonck van Lienden (Marriage) of Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has one grandmother recorded.

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 4 aunts recorded.

Siblings of mother (4)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Marijk Hartman 1722
2 Gerrardie Hartman 1725
3 Aleida Hartman 1731
4 Maria Hartman 1733

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one aunt by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Brother Dirk Hartman


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Hoebe + Diderica Gurdina Hartman


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Willem Spies + Dirkje Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 3 sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (3)

Marriage with  Gerrit Spies
1 Johanna Spies 17551835
2 Trijntje Spies 1767
3 Anna Maria Spies 1772


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 co-sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (2)

Partners of Jan Spies
1 Dirkje van Lienden 1765
Partners of Hendrik Spies
1 Johanna van Zetten 17761840


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has 4 female first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of mother (4)

Parents Dirk Hartman + Willemina van Meenen
1 Gerarda Hartman 17591759
2 Gerada Hartman 17601834
3 Gerritje Hartman 1766
4 Jennemie Hartman 1777

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has 8 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Sister Johanna Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Hendrika van Klinkenberg 17921864
4 Metje van Klinkenberg 17981871
5 Johanna van Klinkenberg 18021855
Brother Jan Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Catharina Spies 17931836
2 Dirkje Spies 1799
Brother Hendrik Spies of partner Gerrit Spies
1 Anna Maria Spies 18201900


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has 3 daughters recorded.

Biological children (3)

Parents Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Anna Maria Spies 1780
3 Hendrina Spies 1786


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has 2 daughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Son Gerrit Spies
Son Willem Spies
1 Dirkje Spies 1799


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has one granddaughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (1)

Marriage  Gerrit Spies + Dirkje Hoebe
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 34 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Dirkje has no great-grandparents recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Dirkje has no grandparents recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has one uncle or aunt of unknown sex recorded.

Siblings of mother (1)

Parents  Dirk Hartman + Gerrarda Gerritje de Lanoy
1 Hartman 1726

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Dirkje has no parents recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Dirkje has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Dirkje has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Dirkje has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Dirkje has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Dirkje has no children recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Dirkje has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Dirkje has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Dirkje has 2 members (including Dirkje). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)