Johanna Buurs , 18141878 (aged 63 years)

Johanna /Buurs/
Given names
Also known as
van Doorn

Kind: Johanna Buurs
Geslacht: Vrouw
Geboorteplaats: Maurik (Buren)
Geboortedatum: woensdag 7 december 1814
Vader:Gosen Buurs
Leeftijd: 31
Beroep: arbeider
Moeder: Hendrika van Elst
Beroep: geen beroep vermeld
Gebeurtenis: Geboorte
Datum:woensdag 7 december 1814
Gebeurtenisplaats: Maurik (Buren)
Documenttype: BS Geboorte
Erfgoedinstelling: Gelders ArchiefGelders Archief
Plaats instelling: Arnhem
Collectiegebied: Gelderland
Archief: 0207
Registratienummer: 3713
Aktenummer: 63
Registratiedatum: 7 december 1814
Akteplaats: Maurik

Family residence

Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 3700
Gemeente: Maurik
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: 6
Datum: 08-04-1836
Bruidegom Cornelis van Doorn
Leeftijd: 30
Geboorteplaats: (Eck (Maurik))
Bruid Johanna Buurs
Leeftijd: 21
Geboorteplaats: Maurik
Vader bruidegom Klaas van Doorn
Moeder bruidegom Geertrui van Verseveld
Vader bruid Gosen Buurs
Moeder bruid Hendrika van Elst
Nadere informatie beroep bg.: arbeider; beroep bruid: werkster; beroep vader bg.: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder bg.: werkster; beroep vader bd.: arbeider; beroep moeder bd.: -

Vermelde stukken bij de trouwakte:
1. Certificaat van voldoening aan de Nationale Militie door den bruidegom
2. Een consent van den Majoor Kommandeerende het 3e battaillon der eerste afdeling mobiele Geldersche Schutterij houdende toestemming tot het aangaan van een weetig huwelijk met Johanna Buurs
3. Doop extract bruidegom
4. Doop extract bruidegom's vader
5. Doop extract bruid

Jan van Arnhem en Godert Wtenweerde worden vermeld als getuigen en goede vrienden van bruidegom en bruid

Citation details: "Netherlands, Gelderland Province Civil Registration, 1800-1952," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 30 June 2014), Maurik > image 2514 of 3358; Rijksarchief de Gelderland, Arnhem (Gelders Archive, Arnhem).

Huwelijkse voorwaarden

Family residence
Citation details: p. 34

Cornelis komt vanuit Nijmegen, Johanna vanuit Maurik

Family residence
Family residence
Family residence

Bron Burgerlijke stand - Overlijden
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 3670
Gemeente: Maurik
Soort akte: overlijden
Aktenummer: 59
Aangiftedatum: 18-08-1878
Overledene Johanna Buurs
Geslacht: V
Overlijdensdatum: 17-08-1878
Overlijdensplaats: Eck en Wiel (Maurik)
Vader Gosen Buurs
Moeder Hendrika van Elst
Partner Cornelis van Doorn
Relatie: weduwe
Nadere informatie dooppl: Maurik 07-12-1814; beroep overl.: zonder beroep; beroep vader: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder: geen beroep vermeld

Family residence
Source citation
Citation details: Johanna * Buurs
Event: Smart Matching
Role: 1007486
Date of entry in original source: September 3, 2007

Added by confirming a Smart Match

Quality of data: primary evidence

Aangifte door Gosen Buurs, 31 jaar oud
- Willem Berend de Kemp, 40 jaar, herbergier
- Johannes Thyssen, 38, landman

Family residence

Gekomen van huisnr. 34

Family residence

Zijn broer Evert woont met zijn gezin en moeder (Geertruid van Verseveld) op huisnr. 28



generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 3 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (6 in total).


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 4 grandfathers and 3 grandmothers recorded (7 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 17521829

Biological parents of mother (2)

Partnership   + Sophia van Elst
2 Sophia van Elst 1805

Stepparents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Hendrik Verbrug 17571832

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 3 uncles and 4 aunts recorded (7 in total).

Siblings of father (5)

Parents  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel
1 Adriaantje Boers 1785
Parents  Gerrigje van Meenen + Johannes Hendrik Boers
1 Beleke Boers 1790
2 Hermen Boers 17921875
3 Johannes Boers 17961860
4 Gerritje Boers 18051871

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Willem Verbrug 1788
2 Maria Verbrug 1790

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 uncle by marriage and 2 aunts by marriage recorded (3 in total).

Siblings-in-law of father (3)

Brother Hermen Boers
Brother Johannes Boers
1 Antje van Arkel 1801
Sister Gerritje Boers


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Gosen Wijnand Buurs 17821871
2 Hendrika van Elst 17791842


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 co-fathers-in-law and 4 co-mothers-in-law recorded (8 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 1 brother and 2 sisters recorded (3 in total).

Full siblings (3)

Parents Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
2 Willem Boers 18191819
3 Cornelia Boers 18091887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 brothers-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (6 in total).

Partners of siblings (2)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Willem van Doorn 18071854
Sister Cornelia Boers
1 Jan Dirkse van Arnhem 18071902

Siblings of partners (4)

Marriage with  Cornelis van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Jantje van Doorn 18091867
3 Aart van Doorn 18121837
4 Evert van Doorn 18141887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 8 co-brothers-in-law and 4 co-sisters-in-law recorded (12 in total).

Siblings of siblings-in-law (7)

Parents Klaas van Doorn + Geertrui van Verseveld (Marriage) of Willem van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878
3 Jantje van Doorn 18091867
4 Aart van Doorn 18121837
5 Evert van Doorn 18141887
Parents Aart van Arnhem + Ijda van Tuil (Marriage) of Jan Dirkse van Arnhem
1 Dirk van Arnhem 18051854
2 Bart van Arnhem 18111813

Partners of siblings-in-law (5)

Partners of Willemina van Doorn
1 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18011846
2 Hendrik Spies 18221875
Partners of Willem van Doorn
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
Partners of Jantje van Doorn
1 Jan Willem Olijf 17881842
Partners of Evert van Doorn
1 Roelofje van Vendeloo 18221884


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 1 male first cousin and 4 female first cousins recorded (5 in total).

Children of half siblings of father (5)

Parents Johannes Boers + Antje van Arkel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 18321832
2 Hermina Boers 18381839
3 Anna Boers 1838
4 Gerritje Boers 1841
Parents Johannes van Zetten + Gerritje Boers
1 Belia van Zetten 1846

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 11 nephews and 13 nieces recorded (24 in total).

Children of siblings (6)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361906
2 Hendrika van Doorn 18391869
3 Aart van Doorn 18411919
5 Goosen van Doorn 18491908
Sister Cornelia Boers

Children of siblings of partners (18)

Sister Willemina van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Klasina van Vlaanderen 18331848
3 Aart van Vlaanderen 18381848
4 Willemina van Vlaanderen 18411848
6 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18351838
7 Klaas van Vlaanderen 18291832
Sister Jantje van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui Olijf 18391915
2 Frederik Lourens Olijf 18411921
3 Nicolaas Jan Olijf 18351901
Brother Evert van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui van Doorn 18431921
2 Jantje van Doorn 18441923
3 Nicolaas van Doorn 18461880
4 Cornelia van Doorn 18491853
5 Arendina van Doorn 18521892
6 Cornelis van Doorn 18541916
8 Willem van Doorn 18611905


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 3 sons and 4 daughters recorded (7 in total).

Biological children (7)

Parents Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361894
2 Gosewina van Doorn 18391902
3 Geertruij van Doorn 18411907
4 Hendrikus van Doorn 18451920
5 Aart van Doorn 18481849
6 Aartje van Doorn 18501899


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 3 sons-in-law and 2 daughters-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Partners of biological children (5)

Son Klaas van Doorn
1 Artje Ghijbe 18441923
Daughter Gosewina van Doorn
1 Jan Dirk Peters 1842
Daughter Geertruij van Doorn
Son Hendrikus van Doorn
1 Jantje Peters 18481921
Daughter Aartje van Doorn
1 Teunis Honders 18501904


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 25 grandsons and 18 granddaughters recorded (43 in total).

Biological grandchildren (43)

Parents Klaas van Doorn + Artje Ghijbe
1 Martinus van Doorn 18691937
3 Cornelis van Doorn 1873
4 Hendrika van Doorn 18741887
6 Klazina van Doorn 18831887
Parents Jan Dirk Peters + Gosewina van Doorn
2 Dirk Peters 18701943
3 Sophia Wilhelmina Peters 18721923
4 Johannes Peters 18741877
5 Teunis Peters 18761876
6 Gerrit Jan Peters 1880
7 Alida Peters 1882
Parents Cornelis Johannes van Estrik + Geertruij van Doorn
1 Cornelis van Estrik 18651865
2 Dirk van Estrik 18651942
Parents Hendrikus van Doorn + Jantje Peters
2 Alida van Doorn 18731874
3 Johanna van Doorn 18741875
4 Dirk van Doorn 18761879
6 Dirkje van Doorn 18791901
8 Hendrikus van Doorn 18851975
9 Aaldert van Doorn 18871964
10 Gerrit van Doorn 18901960
Parents Teunis Honders + Aartje van Doorn
2 Anna Hendrika Honders 18741941
3 Hendrik Honders 1878
4 Johannes Honders 18861937
6 Johanna Honders 1893
7 Johanna Honders 18761877
8 Teunis Honders 18881889
9 Cornelis Honders 18801881


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 12 grandsons-in-law and 14 granddaughters-in-law recorded (26 in total).

Partners of biological grandchildren (26)

Marriage  Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Jenneke Weijers 1880
2 Albertus Jansen 1870
3 Maria van Oort 18721934
5 Gijsbert Peters 1881
6 Janna van Elst 1879
7 Antonia van Elst 1875
8 Christiaan Hofman 1866
10 Cornelis de Wit 1879
11 Willemina Hageman 1873
12 Sofia Willemina van Doorn 18711916
13 Neeltje van Homoed 1880
19 Jan Vonk 1869
20 Janna van Hattem 1882
21 Jan van Maurik 1889
22 Teunis Vonk 1872
23 Geertruida Kapelle 1878
24 Hendrika Vermeulen 1884

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 160 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 3 great-grandfathers recorded.

Biological grandparents of mother (1)

Parents Jan Aartze van Elst + Maria Wanders van Broekhuijsen (Marriage) of Sophia van Elst


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 4 grandfathers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 17521829

Biological parents of mother (1)

Partnership   + Sophia van Elst

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Leendert Morje + Cornelia Samuels van Driel

Stepparents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Hendrik Verbrug 17571832

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 3 uncles recorded.

Siblings of father (2)

Parents  Gerrigje van Meenen + Johannes Hendrik Boers
1 Hermen Boers 17921875
2 Johannes Boers 17961860

Siblings of mother (1)

Parents  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Willem Verbrug 1788

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one uncle by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of father (1)

Sister Gerritje Boers


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Gosen Wijnand Buurs 17821871


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one father-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 co-fathers-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has one brother recorded.

Full siblings (1)

Parents Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Willem Boers 18191819


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 brothers-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (2)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Willem van Doorn 18071854
Sister Cornelia Boers
1 Jan Dirkse van Arnhem 18071902

Siblings of partners (2)

Marriage with  Cornelis van Doorn
1 Aart van Doorn 18121837
2 Evert van Doorn 18141887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 8 co-brothers-in-law recorded.

Siblings of siblings-in-law (5)

Parents Klaas van Doorn + Geertrui van Verseveld (Marriage) of Willem van Doorn
1 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878
2 Aart van Doorn 18121837
3 Evert van Doorn 18141887
Parents Aart van Arnhem + Ijda van Tuil (Marriage) of Jan Dirkse van Arnhem
1 Dirk van Arnhem 18051854
2 Bart van Arnhem 18111813

Partners of siblings-in-law (3)

Partners of Willemina van Doorn
1 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18011846
2 Hendrik Spies 18221875
Partners of Jantje van Doorn
1 Jan Willem Olijf 17881842


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has one male first cousin recorded.

Children of half siblings of father (1)

Parents Johannes Boers + Antje van Arkel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 18321832

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 11 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings (3)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361906
2 Aart van Doorn 18411919
3 Goosen van Doorn 18491908

Children of siblings of partners (8)

Sister Willemina van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Aart van Vlaanderen 18381848
2 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18351838
3 Klaas van Vlaanderen 18291832
Sister Jantje van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Frederik Lourens Olijf 18411921
2 Nicolaas Jan Olijf 18351901
Brother Evert van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Nicolaas van Doorn 18461880
2 Cornelis van Doorn 18541916
3 Willem van Doorn 18611905


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 3 sons recorded.

Biological children (3)

Parents Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361894
2 Hendrikus van Doorn 18451920
3 Aart van Doorn 18481849


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 3 sons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (3)

Daughter Gosewina van Doorn
1 Jan Dirk Peters 1842
Daughter Geertruij van Doorn
Daughter Aartje van Doorn
1 Teunis Honders 18501904


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 25 grandsons recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 12 grandsons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (12)

Marriage  Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Albertus Jansen 1870
3 Gijsbert Peters 1881
4 Christiaan Hofman 1866
5 Cornelis de Wit 1879
9 Jan Vonk 1869
10 Jan van Maurik 1889
11 Teunis Vonk 1872

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 83 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 3 grandmothers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel

Biological parents of mother (1)

Partnership   + Sophia van Elst
1 Sophia van Elst 1805

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Gerrigje van Meenen + Johannes Hendrik Boers
1 Gerrigje van Meenen 17601837

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 4 aunts recorded.

Siblings of mother (1)

Parents  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Maria Verbrug 1790

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 aunts by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of father (2)

Brother Hermen Boers
Brother Johannes Boers
1 Antje van Arkel 1801


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Hendrika van Elst 17791842


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 co-mothers-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 2 sisters recorded.

Full siblings (2)

Parents Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
2 Cornelia Boers 18091887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (2)

Marriage with  Cornelis van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Jantje van Doorn 18091867


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 co-sisters-in-law recorded.

Siblings of siblings-in-law (2)

Parents Klaas van Doorn + Geertrui van Verseveld (Marriage) of Willem van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Jantje van Doorn 18091867

Partners of siblings-in-law (2)

Partners of Willem van Doorn
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
Partners of Evert van Doorn
1 Roelofje van Vendeloo 18221884


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 4 female first cousins recorded.

Children of half siblings of father (4)

Parents Johannes Boers + Antje van Arkel
1 Hermina Boers 18381839
2 Anna Boers 1838
3 Gerritje Boers 1841
Parents Johannes van Zetten + Gerritje Boers
1 Belia van Zetten 1846

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 13 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings (3)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Hendrika van Doorn 18391869
Sister Cornelia Boers

Children of siblings of partners (10)

Sister Willemina van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Klasina van Vlaanderen 18331848
3 Willemina van Vlaanderen 18411848
Sister Jantje van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui Olijf 18391915
Brother Evert van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui van Doorn 18431921
2 Jantje van Doorn 18441923
3 Cornelia van Doorn 18491853
4 Arendina van Doorn 18521892


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 4 daughters recorded.

Biological children (4)

Parents Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Gosewina van Doorn 18391902
2 Geertruij van Doorn 18411907
3 Aartje van Doorn 18501899


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 daughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Son Klaas van Doorn
1 Artje Ghijbe 18441923
Son Hendrikus van Doorn
1 Jantje Peters 18481921


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 18 granddaughters recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 14 granddaughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (14)

Marriage  Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Jenneke Weijers 1880
2 Maria van Oort 18721934
3 Janna van Elst 1879
4 Antonia van Elst 1875
6 Willemina Hageman 1873
8 Neeltje van Homoed 1880
11 Janna van Hattem 1882
12 Geertruida Kapelle 1878
13 Hendrika Vermeulen 1884

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 78 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 3 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (6 in total).


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 4 grandfathers and 3 grandmothers recorded (7 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 17521829

Biological parents of mother (2)

Partnership   + Sophia van Elst
2 Sophia van Elst 1805

Stepparents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Hendrik Verbrug 17571832

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 3 uncles and 4 aunts recorded (7 in total).

Siblings of father (5)

Parents  Johannes Hendrik Boers + Cornelia Samuels van Driel
1 Adriaantje Boers 1785
Parents  Gerrigje van Meenen + Johannes Hendrik Boers
1 Beleke Boers 1790
2 Hermen Boers 17921875
3 Johannes Boers 17961860
4 Gerritje Boers 18051871

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Hendrik Verbrug + Sophia van Elst
1 Willem Verbrug 1788
2 Maria Verbrug 1790

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 uncle by marriage and 2 aunts by marriage recorded (3 in total).

Siblings-in-law of father (3)

Brother Hermen Boers
Brother Johannes Boers
1 Antje van Arkel 1801
Sister Gerritje Boers


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Gosen Wijnand Buurs 17821871
2 Hendrika van Elst 17791842


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 co-fathers-in-law and 4 co-mothers-in-law recorded (8 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 1 brother and 2 sisters recorded (3 in total).

Full siblings (3)

Parents Gosen Wijnand Buurs + Hendrika van Elst
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
2 Willem Boers 18191819
3 Cornelia Boers 18091887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 4 brothers-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (6 in total).

Partners of siblings (2)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Willem van Doorn 18071854
Sister Cornelia Boers
1 Jan Dirkse van Arnhem 18071902

Siblings of partners (4)

Marriage with  Cornelis van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Jantje van Doorn 18091867
3 Aart van Doorn 18121837
4 Evert van Doorn 18141887


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 8 co-brothers-in-law and 4 co-sisters-in-law recorded (12 in total).

Siblings of siblings-in-law (7)

Parents Klaas van Doorn + Geertrui van Verseveld (Marriage) of Willem van Doorn
1 Willemina van Doorn 18041876
2 Cornelis van Doorn 18051878
3 Jantje van Doorn 18091867
4 Aart van Doorn 18121837
5 Evert van Doorn 18141887
Parents Aart van Arnhem + Ijda van Tuil (Marriage) of Jan Dirkse van Arnhem
1 Dirk van Arnhem 18051854
2 Bart van Arnhem 18111813

Partners of siblings-in-law (5)

Partners of Willemina van Doorn
1 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18011846
2 Hendrik Spies 18221875
Partners of Willem van Doorn
1 Fijke Boers 18111853
Partners of Jantje van Doorn
1 Jan Willem Olijf 17881842
Partners of Evert van Doorn
1 Roelofje van Vendeloo 18221884


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has 1 male first cousin and 4 female first cousins recorded (5 in total).

Children of half siblings of father (5)

Parents Johannes Boers + Antje van Arkel
1 Johannes Hendrik Boers 18321832
2 Hermina Boers 18381839
3 Anna Boers 1838
4 Gerritje Boers 1841
Parents Johannes van Zetten + Gerritje Boers
1 Belia van Zetten 1846

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 11 nephews and 13 nieces recorded (24 in total).

Children of siblings (6)

Sister Fijke Boers
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361906
2 Hendrika van Doorn 18391869
3 Aart van Doorn 18411919
5 Goosen van Doorn 18491908
Sister Cornelia Boers

Children of siblings of partners (18)

Sister Willemina van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Klasina van Vlaanderen 18331848
3 Aart van Vlaanderen 18381848
4 Willemina van Vlaanderen 18411848
6 Peter Jan van Vlaanderen 18351838
7 Klaas van Vlaanderen 18291832
Sister Jantje van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui Olijf 18391915
2 Frederik Lourens Olijf 18411921
3 Nicolaas Jan Olijf 18351901
Brother Evert van Doorn of partner Cornelis van Doorn
1 Geertrui van Doorn 18431921
2 Jantje van Doorn 18441923
3 Nicolaas van Doorn 18461880
4 Cornelia van Doorn 18491853
5 Arendina van Doorn 18521892
6 Cornelis van Doorn 18541916
8 Willem van Doorn 18611905


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 3 sons and 4 daughters recorded (7 in total).

Biological children (7)

Parents Cornelis van Doorn + Johanna Buurs
1 Klaas van Doorn 18361894
2 Gosewina van Doorn 18391902
3 Geertruij van Doorn 18411907
4 Hendrikus van Doorn 18451920
5 Aart van Doorn 18481849
6 Aartje van Doorn 18501899


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 3 sons-in-law and 2 daughters-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Partners of biological children (5)

Son Klaas van Doorn
1 Artje Ghijbe 18441923
Daughter Gosewina van Doorn
1 Jan Dirk Peters 1842
Daughter Geertruij van Doorn
Son Hendrikus van Doorn
1 Jantje Peters 18481921
Daughter Aartje van Doorn
1 Teunis Honders 18501904


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 25 grandsons and 18 granddaughters recorded (43 in total).