Jan Bijl , 18331908 (aged 75 years)

Jan /Bijl/
Given names

Bron Burgerlijke stand - Huwelijk
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 1434
Gemeente: Tiel
Soort akte: Huwelijksakte
Aktenummer: 35
Datum: 23-07-1864
Bruidegom Jan Bijl
Geboortedatum: 12-06-1833
Geboorteplaats: Echteld
Bruid Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
Geboortedatum: 27-09-1839
Geboorteplaats: Tiel
Vader bruidegom Adrianus Bijl
Moeder bruidegom Roelofke Krouwel
Vader bruid Johannes Hendrikus Reuser
Moeder bruid Margaretha van der Riet
Nadere informatie beroep bg.: arbeider; beroep bruid: zonder beroep; beroep vader bg.: arbeider; beroep moeder bg.: arbeidster; beroep vader bd.: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder bd.: zonder beroep


Bron Burgerlijke stand - Overlijden
Archieflocatie Gelders Archief
Algemeen Toegangnr: 0207
Inventarisnr: 8726
Gemeente: Tiel
Soort akte: overlijden
Aktenummer: 106
Aangiftedatum: 18-06-1908
Overledene Jan Bijl
Geslacht: M
Overlijdensdatum: 17-06-1908
Overlijdensplaats: Tiel
Vader Adrianus Bijl
Moeder Roelofke Krouwel
Partner Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
Relatie: weduwnaar
Nadere informatie geboortepl: Echteld; oud 75 jaar; beroep overl.: zonder beroep; beroep vader: geen beroep vermeld; beroep moeder: geen beroep vermeld



generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 4 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (7 in total).

Biological grandparents of father (2)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (4)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
1 Wessel Crauwel 17231811
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Rutger van Zetten 17251760

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Willem Spies + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Willem Spies 1735


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 2 grandfathers and 3 grandmothers recorded (5 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Hendrik Beel 17561798

Biological parents of mother (2)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Jan Crouwel 17461830
2 Teuntje van Zetten 17541825

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Marijtje van Es
1 Marijtje van Es 1737

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 uncles and 4 aunts recorded (9 in total).

Siblings of father (7)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Annigje Bijl 1786
2 Koenraad Bijl 1787
3 Zuzanna Bijl 1788
4 Coenraad Bijl 1790
5 Jan Bijl 17911861
6 Hendrik Bijl 17941873
7 Lambertus Bijl 1796

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Nieske Crauwel 1779
2 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 1 uncle by marriage and 2 aunts by marriage recorded (3 in total).

Siblings-in-law of father (2)

Brother Jan Bijl
1 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882
Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Jantje Walbeek 17911871

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Sister Teuntje Crouwel
1 Jan Bijl 17911861


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Adrianus Bijl 17941865
2 Roelofke Krouwel 17941871


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Cornelis Dirk Tweeboom + Margaretha Maria Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one female partner recorded.

Partner of Jan  (1)

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has 1 brother and 3 sisters recorded (4 in total).

Full siblings (3)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251915
2 Janna Bijl 18361891
3 Teuntje Bijl 18291906

Half siblings (1)

Parents … … + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Nieske Krouwel 1820


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 2 brothers-in-law and 1 sister-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings (3)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
Sister Janna Bijl
1 Peter van Toorn 18361903
Sister Teuntje Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 3 co-brothers-in-law and 5 co-sisters-in-law recorded (8 in total).


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 male first cousins and 1 female first cousin recorded (6 in total).

Children of full siblings of father (6)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251892
2 Teunis Bijl 18261869
3 Koen Bijl 18291897
4 Janus Bijl 18321920
5 Janna Bijl 18341919
6 Bijl 18371837

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 7 nephews and 3 nieces recorded (10 in total).

Children of siblings (10)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Adrianus Janus Bijl 18561943
2 Teunis Bijl 18581868
3 Willemina Elisabeth Bijl 18611864
4 Roelof Bijl 18631865
5 Johannes Bijl 1865
6 Roelof Bijl 18671867
7 Teunis Bijl 18691944
8 Roelofje Bijl 18701872
10 Roelof Bijl 18761957


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has one daughter recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
1 Margaretha Maria Bijl 18661905


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has one son-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Daughter Margaretha Maria Bijl


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 62 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 4 great-grandfathers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
1 Wessel Crauwel 17231811
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Rutger van Zetten 17251760

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Willem Spies + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Willem Spies 1735


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Hendrik Beel 17561798

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Jan Crouwel 17461830

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 uncles recorded.

Siblings of father (5)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Koenraad Bijl 1787
2 Coenraad Bijl 1790
3 Jan Bijl 17911861
4 Hendrik Bijl 17941873
5 Lambertus Bijl 1796

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one uncle by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Sister Teuntje Crouwel
1 Jan Bijl 17911861


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Adrianus Bijl 17941865


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one father-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has one brother recorded.

Full siblings (1)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251915


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 2 brothers-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (2)

Sister Janna Bijl
1 Peter van Toorn 18361903
Sister Teuntje Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 3 co-brothers-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 male first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of father (5)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251892
2 Teunis Bijl 18261869
3 Koen Bijl 18291897
4 Janus Bijl 18321920
5 Bijl 18371837

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 7 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings (7)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Adrianus Janus Bijl 18561943
2 Teunis Bijl 18581868
3 Roelof Bijl 18631865
4 Johannes Bijl 1865
5 Roelof Bijl 18671867
6 Teunis Bijl 18691944
7 Roelof Bijl 18761957


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has no children recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has one son-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Daughter Margaretha Maria Bijl


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 33 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 3 grandmothers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Teuntje van Zetten 17541825

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Marijtje van Es
1 Marijtje van Es 1737

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 4 aunts recorded.

Siblings of father (2)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Annigje Bijl 1786
2 Zuzanna Bijl 1788

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Nieske Crauwel 1779
2 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 2 aunts by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of father (2)

Brother Jan Bijl
1 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882
Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Jantje Walbeek 17911871


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Roelofke Krouwel 17941871


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Cornelis Dirk Tweeboom + Margaretha Maria Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one female partner recorded.

Partner of Jan  (1)

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has 3 sisters recorded.

Full siblings (2)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Janna Bijl 18361891
2 Teuntje Bijl 18291906

Half siblings (1)

Parents … … + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Nieske Krouwel 1820


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Hendrik Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 5 co-sisters-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has one female first cousin recorded.

Children of full siblings of father (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Janna Bijl 18341919

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 3 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings (3)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Willemina Elisabeth Bijl 18611864
2 Roelofje Bijl 18701872


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has one daughter recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
1 Margaretha Maria Bijl 18661905


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 30 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 4 great-grandfathers and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (7 in total).

Biological grandparents of father (2)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (4)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
1 Wessel Crauwel 17231811
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Rutger van Zetten 17251760

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Willem Spies + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Willem Spies 1735


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 2 grandfathers and 3 grandmothers recorded (5 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Hendrik Beel 17561798

Biological parents of mother (2)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Jan Crouwel 17461830
2 Teuntje van Zetten 17541825

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Marijtje van Es
1 Marijtje van Es 1737

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 uncles and 4 aunts recorded (9 in total).

Siblings of father (7)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Annigje Bijl 1786
2 Koenraad Bijl 1787
3 Zuzanna Bijl 1788
4 Coenraad Bijl 1790
5 Jan Bijl 17911861
6 Hendrik Bijl 17941873
7 Lambertus Bijl 1796

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Nieske Crauwel 1779
2 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 1 uncle by marriage and 2 aunts by marriage recorded (3 in total).

Siblings-in-law of father (2)

Brother Jan Bijl
1 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882
Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Jantje Walbeek 17911871

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Sister Teuntje Crouwel
1 Jan Bijl 17911861


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).

Biological parents (2)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Adrianus Bijl 17941865
2 Roelofke Krouwel 17941871


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Cornelis Dirk Tweeboom + Margaretha Maria Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one female partner recorded.

Partner of Jan  (1)

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has 1 brother and 3 sisters recorded (4 in total).

Full siblings (3)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251915
2 Janna Bijl 18361891
3 Teuntje Bijl 18291906

Half siblings (1)

Parents … … + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Nieske Krouwel 1820


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 2 brothers-in-law and 1 sister-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings (3)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
Sister Janna Bijl
1 Peter van Toorn 18361903
Sister Teuntje Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 3 co-brothers-in-law and 5 co-sisters-in-law recorded (8 in total).


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 male first cousins and 1 female first cousin recorded (6 in total).

Children of full siblings of father (6)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251892
2 Teunis Bijl 18261869
3 Koen Bijl 18291897
4 Janus Bijl 18321920
5 Janna Bijl 18341919
6 Bijl 18371837

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 7 nephews and 3 nieces recorded (10 in total).

Children of siblings (10)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Adrianus Janus Bijl 18561943
2 Teunis Bijl 18581868
3 Willemina Elisabeth Bijl 18611864
4 Roelof Bijl 18631865
5 Johannes Bijl 1865
6 Roelof Bijl 18671867
7 Teunis Bijl 18691944
8 Roelofje Bijl 18701872
10 Roelof Bijl 18761957


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has one daughter recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
1 Margaretha Maria Bijl 18661905


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has one son-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Daughter Margaretha Maria Bijl


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 62 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 4 great-grandfathers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
1 Wessel Crauwel 17231811
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Rutger van Zetten 17251760

Stepparents of biological parent of mother (1)

Stepparents Willem Spies + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten
1 Willem Spies 1735


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Hendrik Beel 17561798

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Jan Crouwel 17461830

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 uncles recorded.

Siblings of father (5)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Koenraad Bijl 1787
2 Coenraad Bijl 1790
3 Jan Bijl 17911861
4 Hendrik Bijl 17941873
5 Lambertus Bijl 1796

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one uncle by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of mother (1)

Sister Teuntje Crouwel
1 Jan Bijl 17911861


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has one father recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Adrianus Bijl 17941865


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one father-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no co-parents-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has one brother recorded.

Full siblings (1)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251915


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 2 brothers-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (2)

Sister Janna Bijl
1 Peter van Toorn 18361903
Sister Teuntje Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 3 co-brothers-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 5 male first cousins recorded.

Children of full siblings of father (5)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Hendrik Bijl 18251892
2 Teunis Bijl 18261869
3 Koen Bijl 18291897
4 Janus Bijl 18321920
5 Bijl 18371837

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 7 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings (7)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Adrianus Janus Bijl 18561943
2 Teunis Bijl 18581868
3 Roelof Bijl 18631865
4 Johannes Bijl 1865
5 Roelof Bijl 18671867
6 Teunis Bijl 18691944
7 Roelof Bijl 18761957


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has no children recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has one son-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Daughter Margaretha Maria Bijl


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 33 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Jan has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Lambertus Allerliefste + Annetje Johansdr Top (Marriage) of Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological grandparents of mother (2)

Parents Wessel Crauwel + Nieske Jansen van Eck (Marriage) of Jan Crouwel
Parents Rutger van Zetten + Elisabeth van Zuilichem (Marriage) of Teuntje van Zetten


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Jan has 3 grandmothers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Teuntje van Zetten 17541825

Stepparents of father (1)

Marriage  Hendrik Beel + Marijtje van Es
1 Marijtje van Es 1737

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has 4 aunts recorded.

Siblings of father (2)

Parents  Hendrik Beel + Adriaantje Allerliefste
1 Annigje Bijl 1786
2 Zuzanna Bijl 1788

Siblings of mother (2)

Parents  Jan Crouwel + Teuntje van Zetten
1 Nieske Crauwel 1779
2 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has 2 aunts by marriage recorded.

Siblings-in-law of father (2)

Brother Jan Bijl
1 Teuntje Crouwel 17911882
Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Jantje Walbeek 17911871


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Jan has one mother recorded.

Biological parents (1)

Marriage  Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Roelofke Krouwel 17941871


generation +1 no blood relationship

Jan has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Cornelis Dirk Tweeboom + Margaretha Maria Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one female partner recorded.

Partner of Jan  (1)

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Jan has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Jan has 3 sisters recorded.

Full siblings (2)

Parents Adrianus Bijl + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Janna Bijl 18361891
2 Teuntje Bijl 18291906

Half siblings (1)

Parents … … + Roelofke Krouwel
1 Nieske Krouwel 1820


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Hendrik Bijl


same generation no blood relationship

Jan has 5 co-sisters-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Jan has one female first cousin recorded.

Children of full siblings of father (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Teuntje Crouwel
1 Janna Bijl 18341919

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Jan has 3 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings (3)

Brother Hendrik Bijl
1 Willemina Elisabeth Bijl 18611864
2 Roelofje Bijl 18701872


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Jan has one daughter recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Jan Bijl + Agnis Adriana Margaretha Reuser
1 Margaretha Maria Bijl 18661905


generation -1 no blood relationship

Jan has no children-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Jan has no grandchildren recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Jan has no grandchildren-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Jan has 30 members (including Jan). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted) Some of them are member in more than one part of the extended family.

No family available

No family available