Johanna van Grootvelt , 1674

Johanna /van Grootvelt/
Given names
Surname prefix
Jannighen /van Grootfelt/
Given names
Surname prefix
Joanna /van Grootfelt/
Given names
Surname prefix

te Maurik, beleend dd. 12-09-1655 tot 25-06-1663, ontvangen na dode van haar man Steven Verbrugh
(AHC 4785, f. 653v)


(kerkeraadshandelingen van Maurik, waarin Johanna diverse malen vermeld staat met een leen van de kerk, groot 100,-- met rente, betreffende obligaties, om schulden te voldoen aan derden)


ORA Ambt Neder-Betuwe, bank van Kesteren, protocol van bezwaar, vrijwillige rechtspraak, kerspel Maurik, inv. 223 (1660-1731):
fol. 53, 13-10-1666:
Steven Verbrughs weduwe, Johanna van Grootvelt, promisit Gerard van Hattum Claess 300 g.
f. 65v/66v:
Op 28-01-1668 heeft Johanna van Grootvelt een magescheid gemaakt ten gunste van haar kinderen.
In dit magescheid genoemde stukken land, komen later diverse malen voor in het Recht. Arch. Neder-Betuwe, vaak als onderpand om schulden te kunnen betalen. (In de vorm van obligaties). Echter blijven ze wel in de familie gedurende vele 10-tallen jaren.(fam. Verbrugh).
23-11-1658: de weduwe, tezamen met haar zoon Gerrit Verbrugh, belooft aan Huijbert van Wijck 500,-- c.i. uit huis, hoffstadt, boomgaard en bouwland, groot tezamen 4 morgen, in de Nederwijcker Maat op Maurik. In de marge: op 14-12-1659 is deze brief getransporteerd aan Mattheus van Eck, ontvangen en getransporteerd op 5-11-1660 volgens vermogensquittantie op de brief.
f. 44v:
5-04-1664: belooft 200,-- c.i. aan Cornelis Verbrugh de Jonge
5-03-1666: belooft 150,-- c.i. aan Adriaentgen van Grootvelt.
f. 53:
13-10-1666: belooft 100,-- c.i. aan Gerrit van Hattem.
f. 57:
4-07-1661: belooft 200,-- c.i. aan Catharina Verbrugh.
f. 57:
idem: belooft 100,-- c.i. aan Steven Verbrugh Cornelisz en belooft 100,-- c.i. aan Steven Verbrugh.
f. 57:
ca. 1665: belooft aan haar kinderen 6 hond bouwland, gelegen onder Maurik.
f. 62:
29-12 -1657: belooft 200,-- c.i. aan Maijcken Aertsdr. Hack.
f. 62v:
2-10 -1657: belooft 100,-- c.i. aan Johanna van Wijck, de weduwe.
f. 63v:
4-04-1659: belooft aan Johanna van Wijck, weduwe van Cornelis Verbrugh, 250,-- c.i.
f.12-1657: Joanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Zalr. Steven Verbrugh, cum tutore filio Gerrit Verbrugh, promisit aen Steven Verbrugh Cornelissen 200 gld c.i., uut 5 mergen weijlants, genaemt "den Broeckcamp", onder Maurick. Was bij de debitrice ende den momboir beteijckent, present J.Lam. Actum den ... december anno XVI C seven ende
ORA Ambt Neder-Betuwe, bank van Kesteren, vrijwillige rechtspraak, protocol van bezwaar, inv. 204 (1654-16..):
f. 39v: 21-08-1654: Johanna van Grootvelt, weduwe van Steven Verbrugh, is vermeld met all kinderen in een transportakte met de verkoop van 1 hond bouwland met al zijn bepoting en beplanting daarop en daaromheen staand, gelegen in de Nieuwslagh onder Maurik aan Jacob Adriaenssen van Driel.
f. 108:
1 -05-1656: de weduwe verkoopt, tezamen met haar kinderen, aan Claes Gerritse en Stevntje Lucas, EL., het eigendom van huis, hofstad, berg en schuur met de aangehorige boomgaard en ca. 14 hond bouwland, alles tezamen ca. 3 morgen, gelegen in de Nieuwslagh onder Maurik
f. 193:
8-06-1657: de weduwe cum tutore fratre Sander van Grootvelt, geloven aan de armen van Maurik 100,- c.i. uit 4 morgen land, gnd. de Broeckamp.
f. 76:
13-09-1657: de weduwe, geassisteerd met haar zoon Gerrit Verbrugh, belooft aan Gerarda van Cleeff 100,-- c.i., uit een onverdeelde helft van een weikamp onder Rijswijk over de Broeksteeg, groot 11 hond, waarvan de helft toekomt aan de kinderen van de debitrice (de weduwe). In de marge: gecasseerd op 16 -04-1660.
f. 107v:
.1-10-1657: de weduwe, tezamen met haar zoon Gerrit Verbrugh, belooft aan Johanna van Wijck, weduwe van Cornelis Verbrugh (Stevensz) 100,-- c.i. uit 5 morgen weiland, genaamd de Broeckamp onder Maurik.
f. 108:
19-12-1657: de weduwe, tezamen met Gerrit Verbrugh, haar zoon, belooft aan Steven Verbrugh Cornelisz. 200,-- c.i. uit 5 M. uit de Broeckamp.
f. 95v:
19-12-1657: de weduwe, tezamen met haar zoon Gerrit Verbrugh, belooft aan Antonis Aertsen Hack, als momboir van de onmundige kinderen van zr. Maeicken Aerts Hack bij Willem Hendricksen en Gerrit Cornelisse Udo verweckt, 200,-- c .i., uit huis, hofstad, waar de debitrice in woont, met de aangehorige boomgaard en bouwland, groot 4 morgen, in de Persick op Maurik.
f. 109v:
23-11-1658: de weduwe, tezamen met haar zoon Gerrit Verbrugh, belooft aan Huijbert van Wijck 500,-- c.i. uit huis, hoffstadt, boomgaard en bouwland, groot tezamen 4 morgen, in de Nederwijcker Maat op Maurik. In de marge: op 14-12-1659 is deze brief getransporteerd aan Mattheus van Eck, ontvangen en getransporteerd op 5-11-1660 volgens vermogensquittantie op de brief.
f. 107v:
12-1657: Joanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Zalr. Steven Verbrugh, cum tutore filio Gerrit Verbrugh, promisit aen Steven Verbrugh Cornelissen 200 gld c.i., uut 5 mergen weijlants, genaemt "den Broeckcamp", onder Maurick. Was bij de debitrice ende den momboir beteijckent, present J.Lam. Actum den ... december anno XVI C seven ende vijftich.
f. 107v:
1-10-1657: Joanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Steven Verbrugh Zalr., cum tutore filio Gerrit Verbrugh, promisit aen Joanna van Wijck, weduwe van Cornelis Verbrugh, 100 gld c.i., uuth 5 mergen weijlant genaemt "den Broeckcamp onder
Maurick. Ende voorts ex omnibus. Actum den eersten october anno XVI C ende vijftich. Was bij de debitrice ende haeren momboir beteijckent.
f. 202:
6-1-1665: Johan Verbrugh ende Margrita van Schevickhoven, EL., hebben schuldich bekent Gerard Verbrugh haeren broeder een som van 300 Carolus gld. c.i., ende daervoor verbonden alle soodaene erffenisse ende besterfenisse als haer off haere kinderen souden mogen aenbesterven van haere moeder, de weduwe van Steven Verbrugh. Ende voorts ex omnibus. Vermogens obligarie dd martij 1663 bij de debiteuren neffens de moeder Johanna van Grootfelt ende Goosen van Grootfelt als momboir beteijckent ende behantmerckt ende alhier geregistr.
f. 118:
4-4-1659: Joanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Steven Verbrugh, cum tutore filio Jan Verbrugh, promisit aen Joanna van Wijck, weduwe van Cornelis Verbrugh, 250 gld. c.i., uuth een weijcamp genaemt "den Grooten Broeckcamp", omtrent 4 mergen onder Maurick opt Broeck. Ende voorts ex omnibus. Actum den 4e aprilis anno 1659. Was bij de debiteuren ende momboir onderteijckent.
f. 248v:
15-12-1662: Johanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Salr. Steven Verbrugh, heeft schuldich bekent aen haer soonen Hubert ende Henrick Verbrugh, de som van 200 gld., solvendo binnen de eerste ses weecken naer haeren doot. Ende daervoor verbonden huijs ende hofstadt, gelegen in Wijckermaet met boomgaert ende bouwlanden. Vermogensobligatie dd. 6 december 1662 bij de debitrice neffens -
Goossen van Grootfelt, haeren momber ende Sander ende Willem van Grootfelt beteijckent ende alhier geregistreert de 15e dito.
f. 218:
12-6 -1660: Johanna van Grootfelt, weduwe van Steven Verbrugh, met Gerrit Verbrugh, haeren momber, item Gerrit Verbrugh voor sijn selven ende Neeltgen Jacobs sijn huijsvrouw, item Jan Verbrugh met Grietgen van Schevickhoven sijn huijsvrouw, Hubert Verbrugh ende Henrick Verbrugh, item Henrick van Ewijck met Maria Verbrugh sijn huijsvrouw, hebben gecedeert ende getransporteert aen dominee Cornelius de Leeuw, predicant tot Doorn, elff hondt bouwlandts in den kerspel van Rijswijck, 't eijnden malkanderen in de Bremaet gelegen. Voor vrij eijgen erff ende goet
Bekennende van de koopspenningen te weesen voldaen. Vermogens den transportbrieff dd. 23 martij 1660 bij de transportanren neffens Willem Spenser ende Jan Joosten als getuijgen beteijckent ende besegelt ende alhier geregistreert den 12e junij 1660.


70. Vier (1394: twee) vijfgaarden, (1453: zijnde 3 morgen), in Maurik in het Grote Broek (1394: Maurikerbroek), (1553: strekkend van de Wigger door de Grote Wal tot de wetering), boven (1394: de leenheer; 1553: de heer van Meer; 1652: de heer van Schijn), beneden (1394: Jan van Kranendonk; 1553: de leenheer), (1570: jaarlijks 21 kar. gld. waardig).

..-.-1369: Hendrik Doys geschat op 8 pond, Schatting, p. 200.
..-.-13..: Hendrik Doys, 4772 fol. 22.
..-.-13(94): Hendrik Doys met ledige hand, 4772 fol. 34v.
6-1-1453: Hendrik Doys van Maurik voor Maria, zijn vrouw, 4773 fol. 74v.
20-6-1468: Staasken van Maurik Hendrik Doysz. bij overdracht door Hendrik van Maurik, zijn broer, 4773 fol. 83, 4774 fol. 108v.
13-10-1476: Wouter die Grebber voor Hendrik Doys van Maurik, onmondig, bij dode van Staasken, diens vader, 4774 fol. 116 en fol. 118v, 4775 fol. 130v.
26-5-1481: Hendrik Doys van Maurik Staaskensz., 4775 fol. 130v.
18-11-1505: Hendrik Doys van Maurik Staaskensz., 4775 fol. 130v.
16-5-1553: Willem van Hattem Dirksz. bij overdracht door Jan Jansz. voor Belie, dochter van Pons Gerardsz., diens vrouw, 4777 fol. 175.
14-11-1556: Willem van Hattem, 4777 fol. 175.
22-4-1570: Willem van Hattem Dirksz., 4778 fol. 118, 4777 fol. 175.
25-7-1579: Dirk Jan Dirksz. voor Maria van Hattem, zijn vrouw, bij overdracht door Willem, haar vader, en haar leenvolger zal niet meer dan ƒ 50 voordeel hebben, te delen met de vooren nakinderen, 4777 fol. 175.
2-4-1601: Willem Dirksz. voor Maria van Hattem, zijn moeder, 4777 fol. 175v.
4-8-1621: Hendrik van Grootveld voor Adriana van Oordt, zijn vrouw, bij dode van Maria van Hattem, 4777 fol. 175v en fol. 201.
21-8-1652: Steven Verbrug bij dode van Hendrik van Grootveld, 4784 fol. 346v.



generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandfathers and 2 great-grandmothers recorded (4 in total).


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandfathers and 2 grandmothers recorded (4 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 co-father-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).

Parents-in-law of biological children (2)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Steven Verbrugh 1654

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 2 brothers recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 brother-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt
1 Maria van Eck 1653

Siblings of partners (1)

Marriage with  Steven Verbrugh


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Geurt Verbrugh


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nephews and 2 nieces recorded (4 in total).

Children of siblings (3)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt

Children of siblings of partners (1)

Brother Geurt Verbrugh of partner Steven Verbrugh


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 1 son and 2 daughters recorded (3 in total).

Biological children (3)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
1 Henrick Verbrugh 16371702
3 Elisabeth Verbrug 1664


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sons-in-law and 1 daughter-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of biological children (3)

Son Henrick Verbrugh
1 Maaijken Willems de Kemp 16391702
Daughter Maria Verbrugh
1 Henrick van Ewijk 16151674
Daughter Elisabeth Verbrug
1 Herman Verbrugh 1692


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 4 grandsons and 5 granddaughters recorded (9 in total).


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 grandson-in-law and 3 granddaughters-in-law recorded (4 in total).

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Catharina Leekes 1717

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 45 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandfathers recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrick Hendricks van Oort + Maria Willems van Hattem

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one father recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one father-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-father-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Steven Verbrugh 1654

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 2 brothers recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one brother-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (1)

Marriage with  Steven Verbrugh


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings (1)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt

Children of siblings of partners (1)

Brother Geurt Verbrugh of partner Steven Verbrugh


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has one son recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
1 Henrick Verbrugh 16371702


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Daughter Maria Verbrugh
1 Henrick van Ewijk 16151674
Daughter Elisabeth Verbrug
1 Herman Verbrugh 1692


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 4 grandsons recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has one grandson-in-law recorded.

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 22 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandmothers recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandmothers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrick Hendricks van Oort + Maria Willems van Hattem

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one mother recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt
1 Maria van Eck 1653


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Geurt Verbrugh


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 2 daughters recorded.

Biological children (2)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Elisabeth Verbrug 1664


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one daughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Son Henrick Verbrugh
1 Maaijken Willems de Kemp 16391702


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 5 granddaughters recorded.

Biological grandchildren (4)

Parents Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug
2 Elisabeth Verbrugh 16631665
3 Maria Verbrugh 1663
4 Sara Verbrugh 1663

Stepchildren of children (1)

Parents Herman Verbrugh + Margrieta Grietje van Grootveld
1 Elisabeth Verbrugh 1665


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 3 granddaughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Catharina Leekes 1717

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 24 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandfathers and 2 great-grandmothers recorded (4 in total).


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandfathers and 2 grandmothers recorded (4 in total).

Biological parents of father (2)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 father-in-law and 1 mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 co-father-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (2 in total).

Parents-in-law of biological children (2)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Steven Verbrugh 1654

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 2 brothers recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 brother-in-law and 2 sisters-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt
1 Maria van Eck 1653

Siblings of partners (1)

Marriage with  Steven Verbrugh


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Geurt Verbrugh


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nephews and 2 nieces recorded (4 in total).

Children of siblings (3)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt

Children of siblings of partners (1)

Brother Geurt Verbrugh of partner Steven Verbrugh


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 1 son and 2 daughters recorded (3 in total).

Biological children (3)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
1 Henrick Verbrugh 16371702
3 Elisabeth Verbrug 1664


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sons-in-law and 1 daughter-in-law recorded (3 in total).

Partners of biological children (3)

Son Henrick Verbrugh
1 Maaijken Willems de Kemp 16391702
Daughter Maria Verbrugh
1 Henrick van Ewijk 16151674
Daughter Elisabeth Verbrug
1 Herman Verbrugh 1692


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 4 grandsons and 5 granddaughters recorded (9 in total).


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 1 grandson-in-law and 3 granddaughters-in-law recorded (4 in total).

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Catharina Leekes 1717

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 45 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandfathers recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrick Hendricks van Oort + Maria Willems van Hattem

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one father recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one father-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-father-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one male partner recorded.

Partner of Johanna  (1)

1 Steven Verbrugh 1654

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has 2 brothers recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one brother-in-law recorded.

Siblings of partners (1)

Marriage with  Steven Verbrugh


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nephews recorded.

Children of siblings (1)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt

Children of siblings of partners (1)

Brother Geurt Verbrugh of partner Steven Verbrugh


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has one son recorded.

Biological children (1)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
1 Henrick Verbrugh 16371702


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (2)

Daughter Maria Verbrugh
1 Henrick van Ewijk 16151674
Daughter Elisabeth Verbrug
1 Herman Verbrugh 1692


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 4 grandsons recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has one grandson-in-law recorded.

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 22 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Johanna has 2 great-grandmothers recorded.


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Johanna has 2 grandmothers recorded.

Biological parents of father (1)

Marriage  Goossen van Grootvelt + Benigna van Lockhorst

Biological parents of mother (1)

Marriage  Hendrick Hendricks van Oort + Maria Willems van Hattem

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Johanna has one mother recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one mother-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Johanna has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has 2 sisters-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt
1 Maria van Eck 1653


same generation no blood relationship

Johanna has one co-sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings-in-law (1)

Partners of Geurt Verbrugh


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Johanna has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Johanna has 2 nieces recorded.

Children of siblings (2)

Brother Sander van Grootvelt


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Johanna has 2 daughters recorded.

Biological children (2)

Parents Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Elisabeth Verbrug 1664


generation -1 no blood relationship

Johanna has one daughter-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (1)

Son Henrick Verbrugh
1 Maaijken Willems de Kemp 16391702


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Johanna has 5 granddaughters recorded.

Biological grandchildren (4)

Parents Herman Verbrugh + Elisabeth Verbrug
2 Elisabeth Verbrugh 16631665
3 Maria Verbrugh 1663
4 Sara Verbrugh 1663

Stepchildren of children (1)

Parents Herman Verbrugh + Margrieta Grietje van Grootveld
1 Elisabeth Verbrugh 1665


generation -2 no blood relationship

Johanna has 3 granddaughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Steven Verbrugh + Johanna van Grootvelt
2 Catharina Leekes 1717

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Johanna has 24 members (including Johanna). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available

No family available