Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans , 742814 (aged 71 years)

Charlemagne // King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans
Given names
Name suffix
King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans
Charles // the Great
Given names
Name suffix
the Great
Karel // de Grote
Given names
Name suffix
de Grote

1. in ca. 768 een relatie met Himiltrudis (Chimiltrudis: Amautru), van Frankische origine, maar van onbekende familie.


2. tr. in 769 met een dochter van Desiderius, koning der Lombarden, en van Ansa.


Karel verstootte haar echter in 770 of begin 771 en stuurde haar terug naar haar vader.


3. tr. voor 30.4.771 Hildegard (Houdiard), geb. in 758, overl. Thionville (Moselle) 30.4.783, begr. in de kerk van de abdij Saint-Arnoul van Metz (Moselle), dochter van Gerold I, frankisch graaf [in de Vinzgouw] en van Imma (Emma, Emme), dochter van de Alamannen-graaf Hnabi, achterkleindochter van hertog Godfried. Zij vergezelde Karel naar Italië in 773 en 781.

Uit 3):
c. Karel, de jonge, koning, geb. 772/73, overl. Beieren 4.12.811.
d. Adelais, geb. Italië tussen sept. 773 en juni 774, tijdens het beleg van Pavië, overl. Italië aug. 774., begr. in de kerk van de abdij Saint-Arnoul te Metz.
e. Hrothrudis, geb. ca. 775, overl. 6.6.810; na aanvankelijk verloofd te zijn (in 781) met Constantijn VI Porphyrogénete, waaruit echter geen huwelijk voortvoeide, had zij een relatie met Rorico, graaf van Rennes, overl. 1.3.839, bij wie ze een zoon had.
f. Pippijn, volgt IIA
g. Lodewijk, volgt IIB
h. Lotharius, geb. bij Poitiers tussen 16 april en de herfst van 778, overl. 779/80.
i. Bertrade of Berta, geb. 779/80, overl. na 14.1.823; na aanvankelijk
verloofd te zijn (ca. 789) met Ecgfrith, zoon van koning Offa, had ze een relatie met Angilbert, overl. 18.2.814, hoofd van de raad van de jonge Pippijn (781). (Zie reeks 33)
j. Gisela, geb. in 781, voor mei, overl. na 800, waarschijnlijk na 814.
k. Hildegardis, geb. Thionville in 782, na 8 juni, overl. tussen 1 en 8 juni 783, begr. in de kerk van de abdij Saint-Arnoul te Metz.


4. een relatie met een onbekende vrouw
Uit 4):
l. Chrothais, geb. ca. 784, overl. na 800, waarschijnlijk na 814.


5. tr. te Worm in oktober 783 de oost-Frankische Fastrada (Fastrée), overl.Frankfurt aan de Rijn 10.8.794, begr. in de basiliek van St. Albanus te Mainz, dochter van Radolf, graaf van Franconië.


6. tr. tussen de herfst van 794 en 796 Liutgardis (Liedgarde, Liégeard), een Alamannische, overl. Tours (Indre-et-Loire) 4.6.800 op pelgrimstocht en begr. in de kerk van Saint-Martin te Tours.


7. een relatie met Madelgardis (Mathalgarde), gezien de naam mogelijk familie van de edele Vincent Madelgaire (overl. 677).


8. een relatie met de Saxische Gerswindis
Uit 8):
p. Adeltrudis


9. een relatie met Regina (Régine, Reine) in 800
Uit 9):
q. Drogo, bisschop van Metz, geb. 17.6.801, overl. Bourgogne 8.12.855, begr. in de kerk van de abdij Saint-Arnoul te Metz.
r. Hugo, bijgenaamd de abt, geb. tussen 802 en 806, werd gedood in een gevecht te Angoumois op 14.6.844.

Not married

10. een relatie met Adelindis in 806.
Uit 10);
s. Theodoricus, geb. 807, overl. na 818.


overl. Aken 28.1.814, begr. ald. (Dom).

Source citation
Source citation
Citation details: 363

Dag en maand blijken uit een, uit de eerste helft van de negende eeuw stammende, te Lorsch
opgestelde kalender, waarin wij kunnen lezen '1111. Non. Apr. Nativitas domni et gloriosissimi
Karoli imperatoriset semper Augusti'. Dat komt dus overeen met 2 april. Zodoende wordt dan
ook thans als vaststaand aanvaard dat Karel is geboren op 2 april 742. De plaats is onzeker,
aangezien het soms vermelde 'Ingelheim' niet aantoonbaar is en berust op latere tradities.


Kaiserdom or Imperial Cathedral


Karel de Grote, geb. 2.4.742; tegelijk met zijn vader en zijn jongere broer Karloman door paus Stephanus II gezalfd tot koning en patricius Romanorum St. Denis 28.7.754; volgt zijn vader op in het noordelijke gedeelte van het Frankische Rijk 24.9.768; voor dat gedeelte verheven en gezalfd tot koning der Franken Noyon 9.10.768; alleenheerser na de dood van zijn broer Karloman 4.12.771; opnieuw gezalfd als koning van alle Franken te Corbeny; tevens koning der Langobarden na de inname van Pavia in juni 774; voert daarna ook daadwerkelijk de titel van patricius Romanorum;door paus Leo 111 gekroond Rome 25.12.800 tot keizer, het Romeinse rijk besturende; laat dan de titel patricius Romanorum achterwege; dit
Westers keizerschap ook door Byzantium erkend 812; gest. Aken 28.1.814; begr. aldaar (Dom); huwt (3°) 771 Hildegard, geb. 758; gest. 30.4.783; begr. in St. Arnould bij Metz; dochter van Gerold I, graaf in de Vinzgouw, en Imma uit het geslacht van de hertogen der Alamannen.


Son of Pippin 'the Short', King of the Franks, and his wife Bertrada, Charles has become known as Charles The Great or Charlemagne for good reasons. His long reign changed the face of Europe politically and culturally, and he himself would remain in the minds of people in the Middle Ages as the ideal king. Many historians have taken his reign to be the true beginning of the Middle Ages. Yet in terms of territorial expansion and consolidation, of church reform and entanglement with Rome, Charlemagne's reign merely brought the policies of his father Pippin to their logical conclusions.

Charlemagne became the subject of the first medieval biography of a layman, written by Einhard, one of his courtiers. Using as his literary model, the word portrait by Suetonius of the Emperor Augustus, Einhard described Charlemagne's appearance, his dress, his eating and drinking habits, his religious practices and intellectual interests, giving us a vivid if not perhaps entirely reliable picture of the Frankish monarch. He was strong, tall, and healthy, and ate moderately. He loved exercise: riding and hunting, and perhaps more surprising, swimming. Einhard tells us that he chose Aachen as the site for his palace because of its hot springs, and that he bathed there with his family, friends and courtiers. He spoke and read Latin as well as his native Frankish, and could understand Greek and even speak it a little. He learned grammar, rhetoric, and mathematics from the learned clerics he gathered around him, but although he kept writing-tablets under his pillow for practice (he used to wake up several times in the night) he never mastered the art of writing. He was able to make such a mark upon European history because he was a tireless and remarkably successful general. He concluded Pippin's wars with Aquitaine, and proclaimed his son Louis king in 781; the one serious defeat he suffered was in these wars, at Roncevaux in the Pyrenees, a defeat one day immortalised in 'The Song of Roland' and later 'chansons de geste'.

He added Saxony to his realm after years of vicious campaigning. Towards the end of his reign he moved against the Danes. He destroyed the kingdom of the Avars in Hungary. He subdued the Bretons, the Bavarians, and various Slav people. In the south he began the reconquest of Spain from the Arabs and established the Spanish March in the northeast of the peninsula.

But perhaps his most significant campaigns were south of the Alps, in Italy. Pope Hadrian appealed to Charlemagne for help against Desiderius of the Lombards. The campaign in the winter of 773-4 was short and decisive. Desiderius was exiled, and Charlemagne, 'King of the Franks', added 'and the Lombards' to his title. Later he appointed his son Pepin as King of Italy.

Popes were still not free of all their enemies. In 799 a rival party of Roman aristocrats ambushed Leo III, intending to gouge out his eyes and cut off his tongue. Leo fled to Charlemagne, who was at Paderborn preparing for another war against the Saxons. Charlemagne ordered Leo III to be restored, and in 800 he came to Rome himself. On Christmas Day 800, in St. Peter's, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans.

Media object
Charlemagne by Albrecht Dürer
Charlemagne by Albrecht Dürer
Media object
Charlemagne by Albrecht Dürer
Charlemagne by Albrecht Dürer
Note: A portrait of Charlemagne by Albrecht Dürer that was painted several centuries after Charlemagne's death.


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has 1 great-grandfather and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (4 in total).

Biological grandparents of father (2)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Pepin of Herstal 635714
2 Alpais

Biological grandparents of mother (1)

Parents … … + Bertrada the Elder of Prüm (Partnership) of Caribert Count of Laon

Stepparents of biological parent of father (1)

Stepparents Pepin of Herstal + Plektrudis (Marriage) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Plektrudis 717


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has 2 grandfathers and 1 grandmother recorded (3 in total).

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has one uncle recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 fathers-in-law and 2 mothers-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Marriage with Hildegard  (2)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Gerold I
2 Imma

Marriage with Fastrada  (1)

Marriage Radolf + … …
1 Radolf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 co-fathers-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (4 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 10 female partners recorded.

Partner of Charlemagne  (10)

1 Hildegard 758783
5 Fastrada 794
6 Liutgardis 800
9 Regina
10 Adelindis

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has one brother recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Carloman king of the Franks
1 Gerberga


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 8 sons and 10 daughters recorded (18 in total).


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 sons-in-law and 4 daughters-in-law recorded (8 in total).


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters recorded (6 in total).


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons-in-law and 4 granddaughters-in-law recorded (7 in total).

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 71 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has one great-grandfather recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Pepin of Herstal 635714


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has one uncle recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has one father recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 fathers-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Hildegard  (1)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Gerold I

Marriage with Fastrada  (1)

Marriage Radolf + … …
1 Radolf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 co-fathers-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has one brother recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 8 sons recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 sons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (4)

Daughter Hrothrudis
1 Rorico 839
Daughter Bertrade
1 Ecgfrith
2 Angilbert 814


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 31 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Alpais

Biological grandparents of mother (1)

Parents … … + Bertrada the Elder of Prüm (Partnership) of Caribert Count of Laon

Stepparents of biological parent of father (1)

Stepparents Pepin of Herstal + Plektrudis (Marriage) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Plektrudis 717


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has one grandmother recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has one mother recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 2 mothers-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Hildegard  (1)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Imma

Ex-marriage with  (1)

Marriage Desiderius King of the Lombards + Ansa
1 Ansa


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Louis I the Pious Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 814-840 + Judith Welf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 10 female partners recorded.

Partner of Charlemagne  (10)

1 Hildegard 758783
5 Fastrada 794
6 Liutgardis 800
9 Regina
10 Adelindis

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Carloman king of the Franks
1 Gerberga


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 10 daughters recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 daughters-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 granddaughters recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 granddaughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans + Hildegard
2 Richardis 850
3 Kunigunde 835

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans + Hildegard
1 Irmgard de Tours 800851

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 41 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has 1 great-grandfather and 3 great-grandmothers recorded (4 in total).

Biological grandparents of father (2)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Pepin of Herstal 635714
2 Alpais

Biological grandparents of mother (1)

Parents … … + Bertrada the Elder of Prüm (Partnership) of Caribert Count of Laon

Stepparents of biological parent of father (1)

Stepparents Pepin of Herstal + Plektrudis (Marriage) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Plektrudis 717


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has 2 grandfathers and 1 grandmother recorded (3 in total).

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has one uncle recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has 1 father and 1 mother recorded (2 in total).


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 fathers-in-law and 2 mothers-in-law recorded (5 in total).

Marriage with Hildegard  (2)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Gerold I
2 Imma

Marriage with Fastrada  (1)

Marriage Radolf + … …
1 Radolf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 co-fathers-in-law and 1 co-mother-in-law recorded (4 in total).


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 10 female partners recorded.

Partner of Charlemagne  (10)

1 Hildegard 758783
5 Fastrada 794
6 Liutgardis 800
9 Regina
10 Adelindis

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has one brother recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Carloman king of the Franks
1 Gerberga


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 8 sons and 10 daughters recorded (18 in total).


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 sons-in-law and 4 daughters-in-law recorded (8 in total).


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters recorded (6 in total).


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons-in-law and 4 granddaughters-in-law recorded (7 in total).

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 71 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has one great-grandfather recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Pepin of Herstal 635714


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has 2 grandfathers recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has one uncle recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has one father recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 fathers-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Hildegard  (1)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Gerold I

Marriage with Fastrada  (1)

Marriage Radolf + … …
1 Radolf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 co-fathers-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no partners recorded.

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has one brother recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 8 sons recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 sons-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological children (4)

Daughter Hrothrudis
1 Rorico 839
Daughter Bertrade
1 Ecgfrith
2 Angilbert 814


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 3 grandsons-in-law recorded.

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 31 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available


generation +3 relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Biological great-grandparents)

Charlemagne has 3 great-grandmothers recorded.

Biological grandparents of father (1)

Parents Pepin of Herstal + Alpais (Partnership) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Alpais

Biological grandparents of mother (1)

Parents … … + Bertrada the Elder of Prüm (Partnership) of Caribert Count of Laon

Stepparents of biological parent of father (1)

Stepparents Pepin of Herstal + Plektrudis (Marriage) of Charles Martel the Hammer Mayor of the palace and duke of Austrasia
1 Plektrudis 717


generation +2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandparents)

Charlemagne has one grandmother recorded.

Uncles and Aunts

generation +1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts recorded.

Uncles and Aunts by marriage

generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no uncles or aunts by marriage recorded.


generation +1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological parents)

Charlemagne has one mother recorded.


generation +1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 2 mothers-in-law recorded.

Marriage with Hildegard  (1)

Marriage Gerold I + Imma
1 Imma

Ex-marriage with  (1)

Marriage Desiderius King of the Lombards + Ansa
1 Ansa


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one co-mother-in-law recorded.

Parents-in-law of biological children (1)

Marriage  Louis I the Pious Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 814-840 + Judith Welf


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 10 female partners recorded.

Partner of Charlemagne  (10)

1 Hildegard 758783
5 Fastrada 794
6 Liutgardis 800
9 Regina
10 Adelindis

Partner chains

same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no members of a partner chain recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Full siblings)

Charlemagne has no siblings recorded.


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has one sister-in-law recorded.

Partners of siblings (1)

Brother Carloman king of the Franks
1 Gerberga


same generation no blood relationship

Charlemagne has no co-siblings-in-law recorded.


same generation relationship coefficient: 12.5% (Children of full siblings of biological parents)

Charlemagne has no first cousins recorded.

Nephews and Nieces

generation -1 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Children of full siblings)

Charlemagne has no nephews or nieces recorded.


generation -1 relationship coefficient: 50.0% (Biological children)

Charlemagne has 10 daughters recorded.


generation -1 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 daughters-in-law recorded.


generation -2 relationship coefficient: 25.0% (Biological grandchildren)

Charlemagne has 3 granddaughters recorded.


generation -2 no blood relationship

Charlemagne has 4 granddaughters-in-law recorded.

Partners of biological grandchildren (3)

Marriage  Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans + Hildegard
2 Richardis 850
3 Kunigunde 835

Partners of stepchildren of children (1)

Marriage  Charlemagne King of the Franks and Emperor of the Romans + Hildegard
1 Irmgard de Tours 800851

Summary for the shown extended family

The extended family of Charlemagne has 41 members (including Charlemagne). (additional members of the partner chains are not counted)

No family available

No family available