| | Edmund II Ironside King of England 1016 993–1016 | | |
| | Aethelred II the Unready … King of England 979-1013 1014-1016 968–1016 | | |
| | Edgar the Peaceful … King of England 959-975 943–975 Elfrida … Queen of England 945–1000 | | |
| | Edmund I the Magnificent … King of England 939-946 921–946 | | |
| | Edward I the Elder … King of England 899-925 871–924 | | | | | Alfred the Great … King of England 849–899 | | | | Aethelwulf … King of England 795–858 | | | | Egbert of Wessex King of England 770–839 | | | | Ealhmund … King in Kent 745–827 | | |
| | | | Charles II the Bald … Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 875-877 823–877 Ermentrudis van Orléans 830–869 | | | | Louis I the Pious … Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 814-840 778–840 | | |
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| | | Aethelred Mucil Ealdorman of the Gaini – |