Interactive tree of Eadhild of Wessex

Eadhild of Wessex 937
Hugues the Great Duke of The Franks Comte de Paris 900956
Edward I the Elder King of England 899-925 871924
Aelflaed 878918
Eadgifu 968
Alfred the Great King of England 849899
Ealswyth 852905
Aethelwulf King of England 795858
Judith de France 844870
Egbert of Wessex King of England 770839
Oslac Ealdorman
Charles II the Bald Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 875-877 823877
Ermentrudis van Orléans 830869
Richardis 850
Aethelred Mucil Ealdorman of the Gaini
Eadburh of Mercia
Aethelhelm Earldorman of Wiltshire 859898
Aethelglyth of Mercia
Aethelred I King of England 840871
Aethelwulf King of England 795858
Judith de France 844870
Robert I King of France 922-923 866923
Beatrice 880931
Rutpert IV Graf in Wormsgau Duke of Francia 820866
Aelis de Tours 819866
Rutpert III Graf in Wormsgau
Waldrada of Orléans 829
Rutpert II Graf in Wormsgau and Upper-Rhine
Theoderata 789
Hadrian Count of Orléans
Hugues Comte de Tours 839
Ava 839