Burhred … King of Mercia –874 | | |
Athelstan … sub-King in Kent Essex Sussex and Surrey –851 | | |
Aethelbald of Wessex King of England 831–860 | | |
Aethelbert … King of England 835–866 | | |
| | Edward I the Elder … King of England 899-925 871–924 | | |
Aethelfrith … Ealdorman 870–927 | | |
| | Aethelhelm … Earldorman of Wiltshire 859–898 | | |
| | Aethelred I … King of England 840–871 | | |
| | Arnulf I van Vlaanderen 885–965 Adela van Vermandois 910–960 | | |
| | Adalolf van Boulogne –933 | | |
| | Alfthryth Elfrida of Wessex 872–929 Baudouin II the Balt … Count of Flanders 864–918 | | |
| | Eadgifu of Wessex 896–951 Charles III the Simple … King of France 898-823 879–929 | | |
Hugues the Great … Duke of The Franks Comte de Paris 900–956 | | |
| | Otto I the Great … Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 912–973 | | |
| | Edmund I the Magnificent … King of England 939-946 921–946 | | |
| | Edward I the Elder … King of England 899-925 871–924 | | |
Aethelfled of Wessex 'Lady of the Mercians' –918 Aethelred … Ealdorman of the Mercians –912 | | |
Ethelwaerd of Wessex 880–922 | | |
| | Alfred the Great … King of England 849–899 | | |
| | Aethelwulf … King of England 795–858 | | |
| | Egbert of Wessex King of England 770–839 | | | | Ealhmund … King in Kent 745–827 | | |